Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Amazing Shuttle

Google Colburn list of gov. Waste. Look at what we waste money on. Look at lbj welfare. We lost the battle & still spending large amounts on it. Look at foreign aid waste. Consider that most semi intelligent people understand what capabilities the shuttle had, the number of people who worked on it & devoted their lives to it. Look at the people who dreamed of being an astronaut, dreamed of working in the space industry. Consider the importance of this technology to the development of the USA & to the security of this great country.

You would think there would be a few dems & republicans who would recognize the importance of this shuttle capability to the country, to the industrial complex, to jobs, to the dreams of our youth. These big , complex technological efforts can not be developed at the required pace ( considering other competition, China, etc.) without significant gov. funding. Eventually, the USA must fund these efforts or the USA will fall behind other countries, which from a security aspect we can not afford.

So, as we fall behind, where are our reps & senators? The USA must fund an equivalent shuttle program, or pay a terrible price!

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