Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fwd: Juno Spacecraft & Ham Radio

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kent Castle <>
Date: October 5, 2013 5:06:24 PM GMT-06:00
To: Choban Peter <>, Bentz Jerry <>, Baird Darren <>, Martin Bobby <>, Schwering Suanne <>, Bogan Carole <>, Carman Gilbert <>, Homann Gus <>
Subject: FW: Juno Spacecraft & Ham Radio


Subject: RE: Juno Spacecraft & Ham Radio
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 00:15:26 -0500

I thought some of us may be interested in this—below.

See the story below.

Also click on the link below-"Juno will be listening" for frequencies and other info.



JUNO SPACECRAFT TO FLY BY EARTH: Here's some news you might not hear from NASA because, like much of the US government, the space agency is closed. NASA's Juno spacecraft will slingshot past Earth on October 9th for a velocity boost en route to Jupiter. At closest approach the spacecraft will be only 347 miles from Earth as it gains an extra 16,000 mph for the long journey ahead. Update: During the flyby, Juno's science instruments will sample the Earth environment--a practice run for data-taking at Jupiter years from now. Fortunately, commands to activate Juno's sensors were uploaded before the shutdown. The science experiment can proceed. Radio amateurs are encouraged to beam a message to Juno during the flyby. Juno will be listening.

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