Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Steve 's comment re: 21st Century STS (draft)

Steve:  I have a file in email that has all pics & graphs---if I had your email could send.

My email is bobbygmartin1938@gmail.com.  Nice to have pictures & graphs.

Begin forwarded message:

From: steve <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: November 12, 2013 1:35:02 AM CST
To: bobbygmartin1938@gmail.com
Subject: [Shuttle/Shuttle Concept Restart] New comment on 21st Century space Transportation system ( Draft).

steve has left a new comment on your post "21st Century space Transportation system ( Draft)": 

Hi its amazing how simple to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.

DIN 7 | DIN 6325 

Posted by steve to Shuttle/Shuttle Concept Restart at November 11, 2013 at 11:35 PM

Sent from my iPad

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