Monday, May 17, 2021

Fwd: Their Plot Exposed

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)" <>
Date: May 17, 2021 at 1:00:59 PM CDT
Subject: Their Plot Exposed

We need safe and secure elections. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 

Dear Patriot,


You and I both know the Democrats don't play fair.


They targeted places like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona, among others, and used the "pandemic" as an excuse to override existing election laws.


We saw governors enact emergency declarations to suspend the rule of law to force through unconstitutional actions such as universal mail-in ballots, change ballot signature verification standards, and extend vote counting for weeks.


Not to mention, the left was incredibly effective in preventing the review of voter rolls in states all over the country.


Sadly, too many Republicans remained silent or on the sidelines unwilling to stand up to the socialist mob.


That's why I need to right now if I can count on you to join the fight to preserve free and fair elections.


I don't know about you, but I will not be silent while the radical Biden-Harris Administration rules by force . . . issuing countless Executive Orders, mandates, and decrees.


While we cannot go back and change what happened in 2020 – we can most definitely learn from it.


If you agree we must tighten up our election laws, enforce voter registration roll reviews, prohibit illegal immigrants from voting, and ban universal mail-in balloting then you're exactly the type person I'm looking for to join me and the Republican Party of Texas.


Will you consider making a generous contribution $15, $25, $50 or more to help us stop the federal takeover of voting in your state?


Despite more than $53 million worth of liberal special interest money that came pouring in from out-of-state to defeat Texas Republicans, we fought back and WON.


We re-elected our ENTIRE Republican Congressional delegation and sent SIX brand-new members of the House of Representatives too.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want the Socialist State of California to be the model for the rest of America . . .


Please, rush a contribution of $15, $25, $50 or more to the Texas GOP today and help us defeat the Democrat-Socialists plot to weaken our elections.


Right now, we need the firepower to fight back against Biden and his billionaire backers who desperately want to abuse their power to weaken existing election laws.


So please know that any amount you can afford to send today will help us fuel the manpower needed to rally support behind this campaign to restore election integrity and secure more victories for our Republican Party.


Thank you in advance for your generous support.


Anything you can give today will be a meaningful investment in the future success of our Republican Party.


Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen B West

Lt. Col. Allen West (ret.), Chairman

Republican Party of Texas

"Texas GOP, We ARE the Storm"



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