Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fwd: NAVY Pirate Hunting Ship...

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From: Robert Hooi <>
Date: October 13, 2013 8:49:00 PM CDT
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Subject: Fw: Fwd: FW: NAVY Pirate Hunting Ship...
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Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 10:49 AM
Subject: Fw: Fwd: FW: NAVY Pirate Hunting Ship...

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From: Constantine <>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 10:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: NAVY Pirate Hunting Ship...

Pirate Hunting Ship....A WORTHY RERUN.
 U.S. Pirate Hunting Ship. – How'd you like this monster pursuing you? DSCN0519.JPG
The US Navy's New Pirate Catcher
Here are some recent photos of the LCS-2 (to be named the USS Independence ).
Here she is at sea trials running at only HALF-power at 43 knots!
NOTE the absence of a bow wave

Also turns tightly too.
Allegedly this turn was also done at 43 knots...
and from the look of the small bow wave, she's still in the turn.
Note the absence of any sign of her 'heeling over' even at that speed.

And then there's the massive helo deck big enough for a CH-53.
Last time I talked with the SURFPAC guys years ago,
this was the LCS they wanted because of the huge storage
capacity under that flight deck and the size of the flight deck.

Note that there is very little spreading wake.
In fact, it does not look like a wake at all,
just foamy water from the water jets.
Somehow, at 43 knots, you'd think there'd
be more of a wake.

She's aerodynamically designed and kind of strange looking.
Is this beginning of a new design in ships?

Here are more pics of the U.S. Navy's new pirate catcher!

These should be able to clean up the pirates
off the coasts of Africa .
This is the U.S.S. Independence (LCS-2)
It is a Triple Hulled, Weapon-Laden Monster.
Here she is under construction...

There have been rumors about the U.S. Navy's speedy
new triple-hulled ships, but now they're for real.
The U.S.S. Independence was built by General Dynamics.
It's called a 'littoral combat ship' (LCS), and the tri-maran
can move its weapons around faster than any other ship
in the Navy.
(Ironic that with all that high tech, the ship
reminds me of the Merrimac ironclad from Civil War days).
'Littoral' means close-to-shore, and that's where these
very ships will operate.
They're tailor-made for launching helicopters and
lightly-armored vehicles, sweeping mines and firing
all manner of torpedoes, missiles and machine guns.
These ships are also relatively inexpensive.
This one is a
 bargain at $208 million, and the Navy
plans to build 55 of them.
This tri-maran is the first of a new fire breathing breed,
ready to scoot out of dry dock at a rumored 60 knots
top speed...
It's like a speedy and heavily armed aircraft carrier
for helicopters.
Pirates Beware!

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1 comment:

  1. Wish I were yung enough to serve aboard that predator!
