Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Get mad, blog for American Preeminence in Military/Space, Business Friendly Environment!

The liberals do not understand the OBVIOUS!!!

1. Can't give food stamps to an increasing number each year. People must work.
2. Can't open the borders----can't afford it plus many other reasons, such as crime, costs, etc.
3. Must have a good business climate. Which AGW zealots damage!
4. people must have good moral values /honesty
5. Must have a strong military & space effort to control those who want to do us harm.
The USA has massive amounts of resources in EO. We must be able to defend them.
We must have routine EO operations which cots efforts will not provide!!!
Even cots isn't funded adequately.

This will maintain our technical base in the design, test, manufacturing, & operations. We are deficient in this due to previous policies re general Shelton on difficulty in replacing the Russian RD 180 engine. All critical to our survival!!!

6. This adm does not understand the limits of our financial capacity in most areas, such as open borders, health care, producing element ( people) , give away programs, etc.

7. The liberals desire to waste money on useless programs ( anti poverty has not worked), but they discard desperately needed military/space programs. Most are critical to USA survival and help the economy which is critical to survival.

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